How Can I Help? 


Feel free to contact me on the number or email below. You may also fill out a message on the right. Sometimes, I am in sessions so I can not answer straight away. 


Tel: 07493391930




Please read my GDPR policy.

When you first contact me, your phone  number of email is stored to contact you. At our first meeting further information is gathered and stored. This is discussed below. Your health record is kept confidential within the service and all information is stored securely. I follow the ethical guidelines of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and ICO to ensure that your information about you is collected and stored securely.

When you contact me to access psychological therapy with me, I collect your personal information including: your name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, family relationships, occupation, previous psychological therapy, medical history, and medication. I keep records of your appointments, brief notes on the topics covered during the sessions and your concerns, and any letters and/or psychometric testing concerning you.

Session related information attendance and topics covered in the sessions will be initially stored electronically without identifying details and protected by a coding system. Your personal details and any information collected during the initial intake meeting (including possible referral letters, questionnaires) are stored in paper format in a locked cabinet. Once you have finished working with me I store hard copies of the sessions notes in your file that is in a locked cabinet. The information is kept up to 7 years after you have completed working with me for legal reasons.

As part of the intake process, I collect information about whether you are happy for your GP to be informed about your contact with me and if additional support is required from them. At times I may seek further consent for sharing information if necessary. Working with private medical insurance companies: I share your attendance with the referring insurance company. If we need to request further sessions for you, I share some details of your sessions such the focus, progress, and need for further sessions with the insurance company. You get to see the report prior to it being shared and you may request information being omitted if you wish to do so.

Storage Methods for clinical services: Paper written notes as described above Electronic storage: unidentifiable, brief session notes covering the topics covered are held stored electronically and protected with a password until we stop working together. They are stored in a secure file once you finish counselling. Phone: I store your contact number in my phone in order to call or txt you.

Email: I used GMAIL based email. Your email address and our correspondence will be stored in my email account.

Website: your personal information is not stored on my website, other than to momentarily collect & send it to my Gmail account for the purposes of our initial contact. See for further information regarding collecting and storing information for the purposes of accessing free resources online above.

Sharing information Supervision As part of ethical practice, I am required to seek regular consultation with another psychological therapist who is qualified in this process. This is to ensure that I am able to work to my best ability and offer an ethical service that is helpful to you.  The consultation process is also protected by confidentiality and my supervisor will not know you personally nor professionally. It takes place verbally and I refer to you by your first name.

This process is to ensure my professional development. You are asked to sign a consent form if your information is necessary to share with a third party. I ask you about sharing information with your GP during the first session. As discussed above the exceptions to sharing information about you may take place if there was a danger to yourself or others.

In case of emergency If I have a reason to believe that you are at risk to you self, to someone else or there are child protection issues I am required to act upon these concerns. In that case I am obliged to breach confidentiality by speaking to e.g. a crisis team (harm to self) or the police (harm to others / an organisation e.g. in case of terrorism) or child protection services / NCPCC. If I have to breach confidentiality, where ever possible I aim to discuss this with you first.

If I was to encounter an emergency myself and was unable to contact you myself, your name and contact details might be shared with a trusted person to inform you about the changes in our meetings. No other personal information would be shared.

Complaints: Complaints should be addressed to BACP. However, to prevent matters from escalating, I hope we can establish a therapeutic relationship, which includes open communication and you are able to raise any concerns in the session. I also hold a Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Your rights : You have the following rights… To be informed what information is collected and how it is stored To see the information I hold about you To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information To withdraw consent to me using your personal information To request your personal information be erased (although if the information is needed for me to practice lawfully and ethically I can decline)